CHOICE is not to be taken lightly, but used wisely!

Thank you to Ashleigh and Tristan from PROJECT ABROAD for joining our Circle of Sharing this morning in the Nyanga Township. Ashleigh is writing an article about The SmilingOne Foundation for the project.

Our sessions are facilitated every Friday in the Nyanga Township - a platform offered to our Youth Community Builders and to the rest of the community - a place of sharing and caring. We explored CHOICE today. Farouk highlighted page 79 in our manual THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL: "...choice is not to be taken lightly, but used wisely."

Bongani shared how he used to take his choices lightly, like the first time he went UCT. He did not at that time understand the value of being there and he ended up not finalizing his studies. The experience was important and taught him differently. He told us that he had joined UCT again - this time to finalize his studies... choosing wisely.

It was an AMAZING session!
