Fundraising Campaign

Dear Friends and loyal Supporters

It has been such a busy July month of fundraising and knocking on doors. We have via FB raised almost R31,000.

We are deeply grateful for your support!

Yes, we do have to raise a lot more to keep the wheels running - we are not giving up!

Not only has the month offered amazing opportunity to connect and communicate with so many within our network - it has also allowed us to extend our network and new doors have opened/are opening... these are just a few of the things that are happening:

  • Email / Twitter campaign - urgent pledge
  • Meeting with the Mayor
  • Interview on Voice of the Cape
  • 1-hour interview on the Leila Benelli Show 2OceansVibe
  • invited to the Roundtable Panel Discussion with Cape Talk, Crime Line, LeadSA, SHOUT etc.
  • 30 minute interview on the Inner View Online Radio Show in Texas
  • 12 minute interview on NEWS DAY on the eNews channel (eTV)
  • meeting with new Chairman of the Province Hanif Loonat (community policing board)
  • meeting with MylifE - planning media campaign and upcoming fundraiser in September
  • ....

  • interview on The Taxi (Aug 2nd/10am) LISTEN TO PODCAST
  • 2-hour interview on the Leila Benelli Show 2OceansVibe (Aug 2nd/8-10pm GMT+2)
  • Interview on Cape Talk
  • Meeting with MEC Fritz of Social Development (Aug 8th)
  • Part of Youth/Gang intervention for Oscar Mpetha High School and Nyanga & Surrounds
  • Partner in NYANGA GOT TALENT (youth/gang intervention event)
  • Presentation to community policing board of the Western Cape (Aug 13th)
  • Meeting with James Selfe (Aug 19th). He is part of the correctional services portfolio committee in parliament
  • ....

written on behalf of The SmilingOne Foundation


The SmilingOne Foundation has experienced an amazing expansion over the past years and it has happened so fast that funding has become a big challenge. The beauty of the process is that it grows naturally – seeds carried by those who walk this change. The challenge: to follow the expansion we do need substantial funding to cover our project costs.

I have continuously bridged funding and paid most of our costs out of my own pocket. This I have done with all of my heart! However – in a few weeks I have used all of my personal funds which means that I will not be able to fuel the car anymore or anything else for that matter.

This is an amazing opportunity to invite in a lot of helping hands. Our Initiative is not meant to be carried by a few – it is meant for us all.

We need to raise R500,000 the next couple of months (an immediate R150,000 the next couple of weeks) to keep the wheels running and another R1,200,000 to take us into 2012.

Please support us with donations!

Go to our website and donate ♥

Karina Andersen,
Founder The SmilingOne Foundation


19 DAYS LEFT: Donate R100 or 10 Pounds/Euros or 15 USD. Your donation helps us take a huge step in ensuring that those benefiting from our programmes can continue doing so! We have 19 days to raise a minimum of R150,000! Go to our website and choose the PayPal DONATE button or if you are in SA you can choose the EFT option

In Gratitude


I got precisely 20 days to find a minimum of R150,000 dear Friends. It is really urgent as I have paid most of the SmilingOne projects out of my own pocket (bridged funding) and now there is no more! So many people rely on our programmes. Need URGENT short-term funding (donations). We have quite a few proposals out there for long-term funding. Can you help???

In Gratitude

CERTIFICATE CEREMONY in Goodwood Medium Prison

Today Meeghan Norwitz and I are in Goodwood Prison where 10 of our inmate participants are receiving their PART1 certificates (The Responsible Individual) and one (Welcome) is receiving his Responsibility Coach Certificate after his 3.5 years training and commitment to his journey of change. REMARKABLE!

Congratulations to our Graduates:
  • Welcome Dennis Witbooi (Responsibility Coach Education)
  • Peter du Plessis (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Carl Haggard (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Daniel Olyn (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Fabian Jacobs (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Kosie Botie (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Ikeraam Janties (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Wayne Martin(T.R.I. Part1)
  • Edwill Dordley (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Trevor Payne (T.R.I. Part1+2)
On July 18th the journey continues and each participant takes on further steps in THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL!

♥ Our team is also active in Nyanga Township today! ♥


Meeting the Mayor

Just came out of a truly amazing and very pleasant meeting with our Mayor. Everybody's involvement is KEY in building and sustaining a healthy society. We can do so much more when we do it together. Thank you Meeghan and Phillip for your support in the meeting!


An emotional day...

♥ Today has been an emotional day. Not being able to go to our team in the Worcester Prisons (due to lack of funding) has touched something deep within me. It is such a gift to look at this within - and to stand open, authentic and vulnerable. I reach out my hand and humbly ask for help to keep our processes running, igniting light in the darkest of places. Help me and SmilingOne carry the torch of transformation ♥

Never Alone! Togetherness

So much more FUN when we do things TOGETHER!

Let your heart speak!

Today was supposed to be my prison day. No funding - not able to go up north to our team. However - it is still an exciting day here in Cape Town. I am meeting with potential sponsor... oh and I just lost my voice... all meaningful... that's the beauty of it - it actually speaks for itself! ; ) I am soooo grateful! Have a stunning Wednesday everyone ♥ Let your HEART speak ♥


.. hundreds of inmates in 7 Western Cape prisons, 100 children in the Nyanga Township, a strong and committed team of change agents needs YOUR help! Without funding and the support from sponsors we cannot sustain neither expand our facilitation of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL in prisons, throughout re-integration and in youth/community upliftment. Help us carry the torch of transformation ♥

In Nyanga Township

LOVE our kids in the Nyanga Township! What a beautiful day of sharing and caring!

See more photos on our Facebook Page

Today we had another wonderful workshop in Nyanga with the youth and our SmilingOne Team. We meet every Saturday 10am-2pm.

We started the day picking up our food donation from SHOPRITE Philippi (Thank You!!!)
Next step was to divide the kids into task groups - today we had a tomato, a leek, a carrot and an onion task group. Each group preparing the ingredients for our meal. Today we had plenty of tomatoes and decided to do a tomato soup.

Then we joined in a Moment of Silence... learning to tap into the centre of our being, silencing, relaxing, observing, breathing.... just being.

Game/play time...

At 12.30pm food was ready and everybody helped to dish for our 60 kids participating today.

1-2pm we had our team meeting - reflecting upon the day with the youth, exploring thoughts and ideas going forward. We have been looking for containers for a while to setup our own office space and the recycling SWOP SHOP. This is one area that is really urgent! We spoke about maybe looking into building an office (instead of container). We are grateful for donations in this regard! We do need your helping hand!! : )
