Dear Friends

To ensure that you get daily updates from me on the road I have decided to connect my daily FB post to my diary blog. This is also far more efficient - it allows me with one post to update several platforms and gives me more time to focus on community activities. ENJOY!

Fundraising Campaign

Dear Friends and loyal Supporters

It has been such a busy July month of fundraising and knocking on doors. We have via FB raised almost R31,000.

We are deeply grateful for your support!

Yes, we do have to raise a lot more to keep the wheels running - we are not giving up!

Not only has the month offered amazing opportunity to connect and communicate with so many within our network - it has also allowed us to extend our network and new doors have opened/are opening... these are just a few of the things that are happening:

  • Email / Twitter campaign - urgent pledge
  • Meeting with the Mayor
  • Interview on Voice of the Cape
  • 1-hour interview on the Leila Benelli Show 2OceansVibe
  • invited to the Roundtable Panel Discussion with Cape Talk, Crime Line, LeadSA, SHOUT etc.
  • 30 minute interview on the Inner View Online Radio Show in Texas
  • 12 minute interview on NEWS DAY on the eNews channel (eTV)
  • meeting with new Chairman of the Province Hanif Loonat (community policing board)
  • meeting with MylifE - planning media campaign and upcoming fundraiser in September
  • ....

  • interview on The Taxi (Aug 2nd/10am) LISTEN TO PODCAST
  • 2-hour interview on the Leila Benelli Show 2OceansVibe (Aug 2nd/8-10pm GMT+2)
  • Interview on Cape Talk
  • Meeting with MEC Fritz of Social Development (Aug 8th)
  • Part of Youth/Gang intervention for Oscar Mpetha High School and Nyanga & Surrounds
  • Partner in NYANGA GOT TALENT (youth/gang intervention event)
  • Presentation to community policing board of the Western Cape (Aug 13th)
  • Meeting with James Selfe (Aug 19th). He is part of the correctional services portfolio committee in parliament
  • ....

written on behalf of The SmilingOne Foundation


The SmilingOne Foundation has experienced an amazing expansion over the past years and it has happened so fast that funding has become a big challenge. The beauty of the process is that it grows naturally – seeds carried by those who walk this change. The challenge: to follow the expansion we do need substantial funding to cover our project costs.

I have continuously bridged funding and paid most of our costs out of my own pocket. This I have done with all of my heart! However – in a few weeks I have used all of my personal funds which means that I will not be able to fuel the car anymore or anything else for that matter.

This is an amazing opportunity to invite in a lot of helping hands. Our Initiative is not meant to be carried by a few – it is meant for us all.

We need to raise R500,000 the next couple of months (an immediate R150,000 the next couple of weeks) to keep the wheels running and another R1,200,000 to take us into 2012.

Please support us with donations!

Go to our website and donate ♥

Karina Andersen,
Founder The SmilingOne Foundation


19 DAYS LEFT: Donate R100 or 10 Pounds/Euros or 15 USD. Your donation helps us take a huge step in ensuring that those benefiting from our programmes can continue doing so! We have 19 days to raise a minimum of R150,000! Go to our website and choose the PayPal DONATE button or if you are in SA you can choose the EFT option

In Gratitude


I got precisely 20 days to find a minimum of R150,000 dear Friends. It is really urgent as I have paid most of the SmilingOne projects out of my own pocket (bridged funding) and now there is no more! So many people rely on our programmes. Need URGENT short-term funding (donations). We have quite a few proposals out there for long-term funding. Can you help???

In Gratitude

CERTIFICATE CEREMONY in Goodwood Medium Prison

Today Meeghan Norwitz and I are in Goodwood Prison where 10 of our inmate participants are receiving their PART1 certificates (The Responsible Individual) and one (Welcome) is receiving his Responsibility Coach Certificate after his 3.5 years training and commitment to his journey of change. REMARKABLE!

Congratulations to our Graduates:
  • Welcome Dennis Witbooi (Responsibility Coach Education)
  • Peter du Plessis (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Carl Haggard (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Daniel Olyn (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Fabian Jacobs (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Kosie Botie (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Ikeraam Janties (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Wayne Martin(T.R.I. Part1)
  • Edwill Dordley (T.R.I. Part1)
  • Trevor Payne (T.R.I. Part1+2)
On July 18th the journey continues and each participant takes on further steps in THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL!

♥ Our team is also active in Nyanga Township today! ♥


Meeting the Mayor

Just came out of a truly amazing and very pleasant meeting with our Mayor. Everybody's involvement is KEY in building and sustaining a healthy society. We can do so much more when we do it together. Thank you Meeghan and Phillip for your support in the meeting!


An emotional day...

♥ Today has been an emotional day. Not being able to go to our team in the Worcester Prisons (due to lack of funding) has touched something deep within me. It is such a gift to look at this within - and to stand open, authentic and vulnerable. I reach out my hand and humbly ask for help to keep our processes running, igniting light in the darkest of places. Help me and SmilingOne carry the torch of transformation ♥

Never Alone! Togetherness

So much more FUN when we do things TOGETHER!

Let your heart speak!

Today was supposed to be my prison day. No funding - not able to go up north to our team. However - it is still an exciting day here in Cape Town. I am meeting with potential sponsor... oh and I just lost my voice... all meaningful... that's the beauty of it - it actually speaks for itself! ; ) I am soooo grateful! Have a stunning Wednesday everyone ♥ Let your HEART speak ♥


.. hundreds of inmates in 7 Western Cape prisons, 100 children in the Nyanga Township, a strong and committed team of change agents needs YOUR help! Without funding and the support from sponsors we cannot sustain neither expand our facilitation of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL in prisons, throughout re-integration and in youth/community upliftment. Help us carry the torch of transformation ♥

In Nyanga Township

LOVE our kids in the Nyanga Township! What a beautiful day of sharing and caring!

See more photos on our Facebook Page

Today we had another wonderful workshop in Nyanga with the youth and our SmilingOne Team. We meet every Saturday 10am-2pm.

We started the day picking up our food donation from SHOPRITE Philippi (Thank You!!!)
Next step was to divide the kids into task groups - today we had a tomato, a leek, a carrot and an onion task group. Each group preparing the ingredients for our meal. Today we had plenty of tomatoes and decided to do a tomato soup.

Then we joined in a Moment of Silence... learning to tap into the centre of our being, silencing, relaxing, observing, breathing.... just being.

Game/play time...

At 12.30pm food was ready and everybody helped to dish for our 60 kids participating today.

1-2pm we had our team meeting - reflecting upon the day with the youth, exploring thoughts and ideas going forward. We have been looking for containers for a while to setup our own office space and the recycling SWOP SHOP. This is one area that is really urgent! We spoke about maybe looking into building an office (instead of container). We are grateful for donations in this regard! We do need your helping hand!! : )


PRISON DAY - Goodwood Prison

Today we are in Circles of Sharing in Goodwood Medium Prison. We are in preparation for the upcoming Certificate Ceremony (July 9th): 10 are getting ready to graduate PART 1 (Self Identity) of The Responsible Individual. Inmate Coach Student Welcome Dennis Witbooi will receive his qualification as a Responsibility Coach. He has been with us since January 2008. WELL DONE!!!

Hmmm I am so in AWE of this process!

Another amazing day in prison!

IN PRISON: today I am in Circles of Sharing in Brandvlei Maximum Prison and Brandvlei Medium Prison. Our Inmate Coach Student Team (Bradley, Brian, Lumkile, Thembalethu and Franklin) is guiding more than 55 fellow inmates through THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL (part 1 + 2)....


‎"Awareness! Are we aware of the whole of everything that is. Because this allows us to experience more of ourselves, importantly our feelings. Giving ourselves the chance to deepen our relationship with ourselves..." by coach student Franklin Esau / Brandvlei Medium Prison

Can you help?

7 NEW INMATE COACH STUDENTS IN BRANDVLEI MAXIMUM PRISON. Our now 11 man strong team is growing stronger and deeply inspired to guide their fellow inmates through the process of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. Today was my last visit this term (Q2). I can first go back to continue guidance of the team once a sponsor for fuel/facilitation has been found! We urgently need your help!

Help us raise R500,000 in 4 weeks

Networking is key in community building. We are knocking on doors to invite in people who can assist us to both raise the awareness of our initiative and to attract much needed funding! Can you help us raise R500,000 the next 4 weeks? Become a SmilingOne Ambassador, get actively involved and help us sustain and expand, making a difference for South African communities. Because we can! ♥

Love this saying... Love has no need...

‎"Love has no need, it is not intense but calm, it does not require anything given and received, nor does it need to be reciprocated because it is a state of being independent of all things and thus can never be incomplete. . Need on the other hand is most often labeled as love and is never complete, often intense, always requires interaction and is always missing something.."- Steve Gunn

The power of change is within each one of us!

PRISON DAY: Karina Andersen and Meeghan Norwitz in Circles of Sharing with inmate participants of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL in Goodwood Medium Prison today. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity and the great privilege to inspire change. The power of change is within each one of us - WE hold the KEY! Have an inspiring Monday everyone!

Affirmation from behind bars...

From behind bars: "I show compassion to those around me through my actions because this is who I am and what I love" by Edwill (Value Affirmation)

Affirmation from behind bars...

From behind bars: "I trust in me. I trust in my heart. I CAN do it!" by Wayne (Value Affirmation) ♥ Sharing is Caring ♥

Need Manuals printed!

A call for help? Urgently need 50x 350 pages (colour printed copies) of our Responsibility Coach Manual for new inmate coach students in South African Prisons. Asap! If you are able to sponsor these copies we would be deeply grateful! Please inbox Karina Andersen or Meeghan Norwitz.

My Township Day

Today we are in Loving Action in the Nyanga Township. Looking forward to meet with our SmilingOne Team (Youth and Re-Integration) and all our beautiful township kids - sharing and caring! Healthy Cooking, Caring for our Environment, Playing (drama, songs, music) and having FUN! Happy Saturday Everyone!


Our Saturday Workshop was filled with LOVE, JOY, SHARING and CARING. Shoprite Philippi was helping us clean the roof and will next week assist starting the repairs. The kids were assisting with preparing the food, cleaning the grounds - there was fun play time and quiet time. And we round it off with a nice warm and nutritious meal. YUM

Thank you Shoprite for the amazing support
Thank you THORP Motor for making us mobile
Thank you SmilingOne Team - you SHINE
Thank you Nyanga Community - we get stronger every single day!


More photos on our Facebook Page

Thank You

Thank you Jori Snell and Mark Baker for purchasing a copy of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. You help us make a change, contributing to individual journeys within South African Prisons, in Re-Integration and our youth at risk. The R299 per book goes in FULL towards our programmes. Thank you for caring! ♥ In Gratitude ♥

22 graduates at Brandvlei Maximum Prison

22 graduates at Brandvlei Maximum Prison - all guided by fellow inmates/coach students (Brian, Bradley, Lumkile and Thembalethu - well done!!!). I am so in AWE of this process. The moment we reach out to share and care we invite healing and change in our lives. And it is indeed through others that we discover our own GREATness ♥

  • PBP Graduate in Brandvlei Maximum Prison: He writes on Patience (values): "I am patient with myself in each area of my being. I am patient towards life especially when things seem dark and impossible. I am patient with the people I have in my life, allowing them to be themselves". Under learning arena: "I cherish my journey as a student of life" & "Listening allows me to learn and understand"
  • Another PBP Graduate in Brandvlei Maximum Prison: He writes in his vision statements: "My Joy deepens with the Joy of Others" & "The Yard is Green and Clean - the view of the Mountain and the Blue Sky touches my Soul deeply" & "I honour my Body, Mind and Soul by listening to my Feelings and following my Heart" & "I am empowering myself through my experiences and my challenges"

Thank You

Thank you Ramon J. Thomas for purchasing a copy of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. You help us make a change, contributing to individual journeys within South African Prisons, in Re-Integration and our youth at risk. The R299 goes in FULL towards our programmes. Thank you for caring! ♥ In Gratitude ♥


The kids in Nyanga are welcoming Farouk . So much love n joy in our SmilingOne Family. I am soooo grateful!!!

An amazing team!

Our Youth Community Builder Team in the Nyanga Township. I love you

Remarkable Journeys in Prison

STUNNING day @Goodwood Prison. Each prison day leaves us in AWE! We worked on identifying/owning our limitations/boxes and to understand: I do have choice! 2nd part of the day we followed our 'Re-Actions' back to the core - a door to our healing. Next 48 hours certificates are being prepared for the graduates in Brandvlei Max Prison (completion Part 1/Part 2 of The Responsible Individual). Truly Remarkable Journeys!

Magical Youth Workshop

What a WildFunLovingCrazySharingCaring Workshop we had in Nyanga Today.

Thank you Sheilan Clarke, Bulelwa Clarke, MoreD, Maloh and Nathalie (Youth Community Builders/Volunteers) for being there today. Team Work is truly MAGICAL. It was a challenging and highly rewarding day. So much learning for everyone!


More photos on our Facebook Page

Support us!

Are you keen to support our community programmes here in South Africa? Purchase our Responsibility Manual/Book THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL (eBook or hardcopy) which is used in all community processes. The purchase price goes in full to our foundation. See more details by going to '(e)Book' on this page. We truly value your loving support! Making a difference TOGETHER!

To Sonja - The Ubuntu Girl

Sonja Kruse (The Ubuntu Girl) joined our Circle of Sharing in the Worcester Men's Prison yesterday. Fantastic to hear about her amazing journey and to have her as part of our sharing. We all signed a copy of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL for Sonja to take with her on her future travels - enriching both herself and those she meet on her path.

Sonja send us this picture of Luyanda's message in the signed book:

Sonja shares: "This is a message from Luyanda. He is an inmate in Worcester prison ~ Karina Anderson, author of 'The Responsible Individual' invited me along to one of her life coaching sessions. My life's journey will now forever be fused with the 8 beautiful souls that I met in prison. It was an honour to share a few moments on their paths of self disovery and self-forgiveness.

You can visit Sonja's website here and also view her interview on Carte Blanche here.



I am in AWE of this profound journey where each step that is taken from the heart reaps the grandest rewards. The messages always find you to guide you in that perfect moment where you have embraced the opportunity of learning, when you have given unconditionally and truly stepped into walking with divine purpose!

xxx Karina

Worcester Prison Process

An amazing day spend with our stunning inmate coach team in the Worcester Men's Prison. 8 wonderful souls on journeys of change - leading by example. We explored challenges where especially 'Expectation' and 'Honesty' were key learning processes. Another key word was 'Vulnerability'. Dear Sonja (The Ubuntu Girl) - thank you for adding your loving light to our circle today.

Our four coaches/students (Thando, Luyanda, Sibabalo and Collin) in Worcester are recruiting further participants to join THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. Coming Wednesdays we are in session:

9-10.30: The Group of Hope in session
10.30-12: New Clients
12-1.30: Coach Training



Shared in session by inmate participant of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL:

"I cannot write a new beginning. But today I am embracing responsibility and writing a whole new ending"

Dear Vulnerability

You are here to teach me and guide me..
oooh I used to hate you...
but no more...
I have found my greatest strength in you...
I have dived into the deepest caves with you...
I have climbed the highest mountains with you...
I have surrendered and let go with you...
I am so grateful!
Today I can breathe freely and BE...

...just ME


Goodwood Prison Day

Today in Goodwood Medium Prison in Circles of Sharing with our inmate coach students and participants of The Responsible Individual. Change happens when we realize that not only are we a great gift to others; everyone is a wonderful gift to us as well. This is when we truly open ourselves to listen and to learn.

Key words in todays session: We spoke about intimacy and relationships, keyroles (I am a friend, I am a Provider, I am a Lover, I am a Partner, I am a Leader, I am a Role Model...) and how each experience in our lives gives us knowledge and the opportunity to practice choice. "What is it that I would like to spice my relationships with?". We dived deeper into CHOICES and how different influences in our lives impacts the choices we make. We want to understand these influences and not choose because we were told to... but simply because we want to. This is when we invite change!

♥ Happy Monday Everyone! ♥


Nyanga Workshop - Deep GRATITUDE

A soup meal was just perfect for todays wet/cold workshop in Nyanga Township. Lots of SMILES, Sharing and Caring.

See more photos on Facebook

As I was driving home... sun peaking out through the clouds to my right, the rain still pouring (mmmm cleansing) and the most amazing rainbow stretching itself across the Indian Ocean to my left... I just felt so enriched. Thank you Team, Thank you Nature, Thank you ALL

Re-Integration and Youth Community Builders

STUNNING workshop and processing of challenges in Nyanga Township this morning. We looked at 'Anger', at 'Honesty' and how powerful each 'Challenge' is for the strenghtening of both ourselves and of our team! I simply LOVE it when we can communicate so openly and caringly. I feel so proud of being part of the SmilingOne Team!

Every Friday our team meet in a Circle of Sharing spiced with the ingredients of their journeys of responsibility. These circles are open for the whole community. This is where we laugh... this is where we cry... this is where there is absolutely no need to hide!


Purchase Music Downloads and support our Foundation

I had a wonderful time at Trinity in Cape Town tonight. So much wonderful music. Thank you Ashton Gardner for your stunning music, your beautiful heart and your humble presence. You inspire me ♥ Thank you dear team: Phillip Dexter (Friend of SmilingOne), Meeghan (Responsibility Coach) & Michael Norwitz (sponsor), Farouk Ulueme (SmilingOne Re-Integration / Responsibility Coach) and Ivan Makulani (Youth Community Builder) for sharing this experience with me.

G'nite Everyone : )
xxx Karina

You can purchase Ashton Gardner music downloads and support The SmilingOne Foundation (goes in full towards our prison programmes)

My drive back...

My drive back from the Worcester Prisons today (heading for Cape Town) was truly magical. I am in AWE of nature - feeling so grateful. Huge waterfalls coming off the mountains. One bigger than the other. LOVE IT!!! This is one of the things I appreciate about winter here in SA... the rain brings such richness. A wonderful reminder for our own personal processes. Each season is valuable!

xxx Karina

Pre-assessment session Brandvlei Maximum Prison and intro session Brandvlei Medium Prison

WOW... what an AMAZING DAY!!!

9am-1pm: Pre-assessment/graduation session of inmate participants in Brandvlei Maximum Prison. Our 4 student coaches are guiding 37 fellow inmates in The Responsible Individual process. 6 of them are graduating Part 2, 23 are graduating Part 1. Everyone was in our circle today. What a privilege it was! On June 8th we have our Certificate Ceremony!

1-3pm: session with our inmate student coach and 17 juveniles in Part 1 in Brandvlei Medium Prison

Dear Franklin Esau, Bradly Hess, Brian Anene, Thembalethu Ndabambi and Lumkile Sohole (SmilingOne Inmate Coach Students). You are AMAZING! Your commitment to yourself and to the guidance of your fellow inmate is remarkable! We are deeply honoured to walk this path of learning and guidance with you! What a privilege it is to have you as part of our SmilingOne Family


Testimony by one of our participants in the Brandvlei Maximum Prison

My heart sings!

Love the quality time with my kids! They make my heart sing. Both are off to dream land and I am making last preparations for my prison day in Brandvlei Maximum and Juvenile Prison tomorrow - gonna be an exciting day. I am meeting all the graduates of the inmate coach team in an assessment session prior to certificate ceremony on June 8th.


Online Skype Sessions - training teams of facilitators

What an amazing online session with Meeghan, Vivian and Trine. Love the depth and authenticity of the sharing. Look forward to take my ingredients from the session into my week, observing and exploring what comes my way. When it is time to 'risk' I risk, when it is time to 'act' I act, when it is time to 'silence' I silence.. and listen.

Online sessions are available for anyone who is keen to deepen themselves on the journey of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL and who is passionate about sharing this knowledge and learning with their communities.

xxx Karina

YIPEEE it is Monday. Off to Circles of Sharing in Goodwood Medium Prison

Have a stunning day everyone! In giving lies one of the greatest rewards! xxx Karina

Good Morning World

I am ready for a new and exciting day, inspiring change by BEing the change. Each day I re-commit to my journey. I LOVE Guidance. I LOVE Learning!

♥ Happy Tuesday Everyone! ♥

xxx Karina

Food Awareness Workshops Nyanga Township

Another STUNNING workshop in the Nyanga Township. This month we focus on Food Awareness, healhty choices, helping each other, cleaning the space after us/enjoying a clean environment... and as always our space is filled with love and lots of sharing.

First part of the workshop we are busy preparing the ingredients for our warm meal (kindly donated by Shoprite in Philippi). Everybody is helping. Next we clean up after us, sweep the floors and make sure that the space is left as we found it. Outside the grounds are cleaned and waste put in big bags. Then it is time for a circle of fun, song, play and our moment of silence. Then it is Lunch Time... two cups of soup for everyone!

See more photos on Facebook

xxx Karina

Gratitude to Sheilan Clarke

Sheilan has been part of our family since beginning of 2011. Very committed to assist on all our Saturdays Youth Workshops in Nyanga Township. Also adding her unique skill to assist the team create their own magazine. We love and appreciate you dear Heart!

In Gratitude

Can you help?

Dear Friends

Our SmilingOne Team of volunteers / youth community builders in the Nyanga Township are making a great difference for their community on a daily basis - involving the youth in healthy activities for a green and safe environment. Our team is not paid yet (no funding) - Maybe you can help us with 5 kits of toiletries (R250 each) for our volunteers. A token of appreciation. Pls contact me.

In Gratitude

Happy ONE YEAR anniversary Farouk!

What a remarkable man, a beautiful soul and such an inspiration to so many. It has been one year today since Farouk was released from prison. The journey has certainly not been an easy one for Farouk. He, however, embraces every single step of it as his learning, stepping stones that assist him in his growth and makes him live his authentic self. It is a great privilege to walk this journey with him!

Farouk is a valued member of the SmilingOne Re-Integration Team, he is in Responsibility Coach Training and he is a dear Friend. He has been with the SmilingOne Family since October 2008.

Dear Farouk. May you continue to follow that beautiful heart of yours. Thank you for you. I am very proud of you! I look forward to the awesome journey that lies ahead in community building. We make a difference TOGETHER!


Nyanga Youth - Healthy Food Choices

And here we are. In loving action in the Nyanga Township every Saturday. I just picked up another 'left-over' food donation from SHOPRITE Philippi.

Today we also use the donation to create awareness around food and the choices we make. The children LOVED helping sorting the vegetable. The older ones taking the younger ones by the hand showing them how to separate the fresh vegetable from that which we could give to the goats in the township. With lots of helping hands ingredients werer prepared and we made the most delicious soup. Perfectly spiced with love n care.

Click photo to visit more photos via Facebook

In Gratitude

More focus on RE-INTEGRATION

Just came home from a stunning Circle of Sharing with our team (youth community builders & Re-Integration Team) in Nyanga Township.

We spoke about crime, the fear many live with on a daily basis and how we as SmilingOne can do even more. We already work with the younger generation to break the circle of crime from a young age.

We would like to also spend time attending to more ex-offenders and parolees, working closely with Community Corrections and the families involved. Each person deserves a chance. It is not easy to re-integrate. Intensive care and enrollment in our community initiatives are important keys in this process.

We are currently writing grant applications to be able to roll-out our Re-Integration Programme on a much larger scales. Aim is to take at least 40 ex-offenders under our wings in the first phase. Thabo, Farouk, Chris and Louis (our re-integration team) will play an essential role in guidance and support.

Sharing is Caring


Vegetable Soup for Nyanga Youth

Busy preparing vegetable soup for tomorrows workshop with our 100 kids in the Nyanga Township. I bow in gratitude! We have soooo much yummy healthy soup/meals for the WHOLE winter sponsored by Community Chest of the Western Cape and SHOPRITE Philippi. This is how we rock when a community join hands! I am SO excited! ♥ Do come and visit our project. We always need helping hands!


Shoprite Philippi daily food donation

Daily 'left-over' food donation from Shoprite in Philippi.

As I went to Shoprite before attending our Circle of Sharing with the team I met the Regional Manager. After sharing about what we do (he also had received photos via email) he suggested that Shoprite could give us a daily donation of the food that would not be sold (taken off the shelves). Then we could choose what we could use. The rest we give to the goats of some of the families that are part of our programme.

We are deeply grateful for this opportunity. Monday to Friday we give the donation from Shoprite to the Nyanga Creche run by Esther. She has 80 children to feed every single day. Many of these children are part of our weekly Saturday Workshop. Saturday we keep the donation to cook a warm wholesome meal for all participants - often up to 100 children.


Donation of 3,000 tins of split peas / lentils

I just received the donation from Community Chest in Western Cape. Lots of ingredients for soup and warm meals. This will be used every Saturday throughout the winter as we workshop with the youth of the Nyanga Township. A warm meal, a filled tummy, a grateful heart.

Also a warmfelt thank you to ABC Press who helped us pick-up the 3,000 tins and deliver them to us. ABC Press is always keen to assist us - both in printing and in any way they can! We are deeply grateful.

In Gratitude

Worcester Prison - Circle of Sharing

Stunning session today. First part of the session was with SmilingOne imate Responsibility Coach Thando Gwampi and two inmate members of the Group of Hope (GOH). Since the start-up of our process back in January 2008 we have always worked hand in hand with the GOH initiative (skills development for inmates - driven by inmates). Focus was on how we can compliment each other as we continue to walk hand in hand, inspiring even more inmates to join the journey.

When speaking about group dynamics and skills development processes one also has to attend to the individual processes. Each one of us brings an energy (personal environment) into the group - an energy that each one of us is responsible for to compliment the shared environment. This is where the process of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL becomes KEY. It starts with a better ME for a better WE.

Next I had a one-on-one with Thando and thereafter Collin (inmate coach student) joined our circle. Luyanda and Sibabalo (both inmate Responsibility Coaches) transferred to Goodwood Prison on Monday. They will assist SmilingOne Facilitation there.

Sharing is Caring


Donation from Community Chest

After an inspiring meeting with Greg Damster from Community Chest Thursday last week we have been awaiting news about a possible first donation. And today it came! Our first wish brought to Community Chest has been granted.

Friday we will pick up 200 boxes (12 cans in each) of soup ingredients (split peas and lentils). The soup is for our Saturday Workshops in the Nyanga Township where we often cater for more than 100 children living in the community. The donation will make sure that the children are not only having a warm and nutritious meal; but also that they with a filled tummy can be open to the learning of the weekly workshop.

We make a difference TOGETHER!


In Gratitude

We are back in Prison after Easter Break

Two weeks can seem like a looooooong time. I do love the silence (and know/value how important it is) and at the same time I also just love the action. Good to be back in Goodwood Prison after our Easter Break.

Today 22 guys participated in session. And Dave Thorpe, a friend and sponsor of SmilingOne, joined us. He was up for a real treat!

In this term (Q2 2011) we work towards our June 18th Certificate Ceremony where those who have walked the journey with great commitment to themselves the past 6 months will graduate Part 1 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. A family member can attend and we will together celebrate journeys of change!

Tasks that we will deepen ourselves in: The Awareness Spectrum guides us towards balancing all processes in life and understanding that every challenge comes with a gift; We come to a greater understanding of our Tool Boxes and affirm each tool/value; We bring our set of tools with us into how we express certain Key Roles in our lives; and as we experience more sides of ourselves we begin to feel OUR MISSION (who am I).

Another remarkable day where more doors are opened and the process is being taken deeper!

In Gratitude


I have been driving 15.000 km the past months. The time has come to swop vehicles. Thorp is ready with another Spark to assist us in reaching our programmes! Giving unconditionally. YOU ROCK, THORP!!

In Gratitude

Meeting with Community Chest Cape Town

I just had a stunning meeting with the Community Chest in Cape Town. In AWE! They do such incredible work for communities within the Western Cape. After an hours meeting so many doors opened! I look forward to walk hand in hand with Greg Damster and the team. TOGETHER we can make a difference! First step is a donation of Soup for our Township Kids every Saturday through Winter.

In Gratitude

Green Light to start at Pollsmoor Women's Prison

Today Meeghan and I went to meet with the Quality Assurance Committee at Pollsmoor Prison, Cape Town. Even though we have received regional clearance for all of Western Cape it is key to build a relationship with the committee at each prison. It is a partnership where we work hand in hand as partners in rehabilitation.

Our presentation was received well by the committee. Many wonderful ideas were proposed - also to please offer our service in the other sections of the prison, including unsentenced inmates. As shared with the committee we would love to accommodate this as we expand and have more sponsors on board. At this stage we will focus on the women's prison, which will give the committe and opportunity to get a feel of the effectiveness of the programme THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.

Meeghan will be facilitating the weekly sessions at the prison. Start-up date soon to be announced.

In Gratitude

Prison Day in MAX and Juvenile. PBP WORKSHOP

I always enjoy my drives to the Worcester Area. Such a treat. Beautiful wine lands, majestic mountains, nature at its very best! LOVE IT!

The inmate coach team was waiting for me at 9am sharp, ready for our bi-weekly session. We are busy with our PBP workshop (personal balanced profile). The PBP is one of our key tools in THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. Each tool is not just learned in theory. It is essential that we practise the tool in our own personal journey, that we deepen ourselves in all aspect of it, make it our own to truly understand the learning and gifting it comes with.

Today we dived deeper into the Responsibility Area: Social Responsibility. Bradley, Brian, Lumkile, Thembalethu and Malixole are busy re-writing (updating) their PBP: Vision, Focus Areas, Actions and Improvement. We use affirmations. Each word can be a door to transformation, allowing us to revisit areas that still has not been attended to, to heal, to release, to transform and to set free. We practise to look out for these doors (identify them, take ownership of them and open them to explore in depth the gift they bring to us).

Even if a PBP has been finalized 6-12 months ago time does not stop. Neither does our processes. Change occurs all the time. This is why it is important to revisit and even re-do the PBP a couple of times a year. At times it can be fruitful to start with a blank page and see where it takes you.

The PBP can be seen as a screenshot of your life in this very moment. This is what you visualize and add into the NOW - this is how you live your purpose today. Each day adds new ingredients and further possibilities.

At 1pm I was in session with Franklin (inmate coach student) and four of the juveniles who are attending Part 2 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. Next week Msondezi will be transferred to Pollsmoor and June 14th he will be released. He lives in Nyanga and will upon release be able to attend our workshops Fridays and Saturdays, continuing his journey of change and responsibility.

I am deeply grateful for this journey. Change occurs right in front of me every single day. And I am right there in the middle of it. Very humbling!

In Gratitude

Gratitude to our Donor - SHOPRITE Nyanga

We have for some time knocked on the door at SHOPRITE in Nyanga East. During the month of April they have kindly donated fruit every Saturday and for our FREESTYLE showcasing event they have given us ingredients to cook a wholesome meal for the youth in our programme! The support from SHOPRITE has meant/means a lot to us. Many empty tummies has been filled this month! THANK YOU!

TOGETHER we can make a HUGE difference!

In Gratitude

Welcome Louis - A new Member of our Re-Integration Team

We welcome Louis to our Re-Integration Team. Louis has worked with us the past 1.5 years inside Goodwood Prison. He was released this Tuesday and is already active in our Nyanga Township Programme. Thank you Louis for your commitment to yourself and to SmilingOne!

It is one of our great commitments this year to focus even more on Re-Integration and through/with our team build communities - for a safer South Africa!


What a powerful message! One that is close to my heart and that is important to share!


Happy Easter - FUN in Nyanga Township

I am always welcomed with OPEN arms in the Nyanga Township. The kids are normally waiting for me and as I approach the Nyanga Creche they all want to join me in the car (kindly availed by THORP). They all jump in for a photo.

Sharing SMILES...

...and songs...
Everyone is excited. Another day of Sharing and Caring!

And the Easter Bunny is on the loose...
Easter Eggs hidden in the garden of the Creche...

...and the hunt begins...

Yummy Easter Eggs

After the Easter Egg Hunt we play games:
"There is a fire on the mountain..."

What a beautiful day!


I simply LOVE these kids!

Another stunning workshop in the Nyanga Township with the youth. These kids are such beautiful souls. Such great mentors! We are all here to learn alongside one another.

Today we had Nyanga Shoprite donating apples and bananas for 60-70 children. THANK YOU! I just LOVE it when a community join hands. This is how we build and shape a healthy community!

In Gratitude


Happy ONE YEAR anniversary dear Thabo. You have walked such a beautiful journey honouring your heart and shared your joy and passion for community building with everyone in your community. We are very proud of you!

Thabo Makhanya was released last year 16th of April after a long prison sentence. He has been a valued member of the SmilingOne Family for 2.5 years. He inspires change by BEING change! ♥

In Gratitude

Update: SmilingOne Database

Meeghan and I have been in two sessions with Gabri Rigotti the past weeks and our database prototype is shaping. It was a hugely inspiring sessions where we expanded on all programmes, contacts, participants, networks, roles within the organisation etc. to be used as framework for our database. It is such a great gift to be given a database that has been made specifically for The SmilingOne Foundation. The aim with this prototype is that it can benefit many other NPO's in their work. Transparancy is KEY!

Thank you Gabri for the amazing support of our work through developing our database software.

In Gratitude

Can I say 'No' ?

Part of knowing my path is also knowing where not to go. The opportunity to say no thank you has been offered to me quite a few times the past weeks through people offering services, products etc. And it has been amazing to check in with myself, my values and to express my heart - open and honest, with humility and gratitude. The learning has been truly valuable - coz how often do we actually allow our heart to decide?

This made me think of one of the sessions in Worcester Prison last Wednesday. We spoke about pleasing (behavioural pattern) and what it means not be true to oneself. One of the guys shared that pleasing for him often felt like 'my head says yes but my heart says no'.

When we are true to ourselves we can also be true to others!


Healthy Choices

I always aim to spice my week with at least 3 visits to the virgin active gym. I am deeply grateful for our Discovery Health/Vitality Package. My kids and I have access to gym at no cost at all. (Thank you thank you thank you!)

Keeping both mentally, physically and spiritual fit is KEY in my life. It is all about balancing. If I neglect one I can easilier neglect the other. It asks of commitment. Commitment to me and my journey.

This counts for my nutritional choices as well. How do I fuel my engine and keep it running smooth all day? I have had quite a journey when it comes to nutritional choices. I was only 15 years old when I started my battle with Bulimia. I know exactly how it is to eat because I feel emotionally challenged and off balance. Eating to fill a void. And I know from experience that this does not serve my body at all. The learning that I have gained when being 'off balance' is knowledge I can use to find a balance that truly serves me - holistically. Today I know my body so much better, I have learned listen to it, to love it and to treat it as my temple.

A few years ago I created my Witch Bun Recipe, which is a wholesome treat for all my senses. See for more info. It is easy to bake. Just mix the ingredients that appeal to you. Don't use yeast. Let it bake at low temperature. If you bake it as a bread let it bake for at least 50 minutes. Buns are less. Find your own unique way!


March/April Newsletter

I have just finalized our Newsletter. Ready for download!

UPDATE: Youth Programme - Nyanga Township

Every Saturday I am meeting with our team and assiting facilitation of the Youth Workshop (3yrs-17yrs) and every second Friday I attend our weekly Circle of Sharing for the adult members of the community (from 18yrs upwards). There are different aspects that we focus on in the youth programme.

  • SUSTAINABILITY: this is KEY in any community building project. 'Whatever you bring to the community must be able to stay in and be nurtured by the community!' This we do through the education of Community Builders and Responsibility Coaches within the Nyanga Township. They become equipped in implementing CIRCLES OF CHANGE and facilitate THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL

  • COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: this is one of our key objectives - to reach more people within the community and inspire them to actively participate. How do we do this? In our last session we spoke about how it only takes ONE responsible individual within each household to inspire change in the family. By reaching the young generation of the community we aim to achieve this. Let the children teach their parents! We can not force change! But we can inspire change and responsible living through our own living examples. With our attention on YOUTH in the Nyanga Township we are day by day establishing a platform that will change a whole community.

  • IT STARTS WITH 'ME' FOR A BETTER 'WE: Our Youth Community Builders and Responsibility Coach Students are using their personal process as inspiration to guide the children of the community. What we learn and process in Friday Sessions we take with us into the Saturday Youth Workshop. Last month we focused on MY TUNE in relation to Human Rights Day. This month we focus on the theme Freedom' and will showcase at our monthly event (April 30th). Each week we deepen ourselves in what this means. We look at the 'Roles we play' and if we make use of any 'Masks' (hideouts). The kids/youth are creating masks in the workshops and drama's will be created around 'using masks/playing roles' and what it means to LET GO of them to truly be FREE, to live from your heart and be the REAL YOU.

  • CRIME PREVENTION/MANAGEMENT: We know that change is possible! This is why we invest in those who lead change and inspire responsible living by their own living example. Crime is one of the BIG challenges of our society. There is no one better to address this than those who have been there and who chose differently. Our Re-Integration Team works hand in hand with our Youth Community Builder Team - for a safer and healthier South Africa.

Quarterly Reports

End of March means that it is time to look at the quarter that passed and report back to sponsors, partners in community building and our network. I LOVE to take some time to reflect upon all processes that we have been busy with and to draw up the next steps for Q2 2011. What an amazing progress! I am so proud of our team and of everyone who have chosen to join the programme, making themselves a priority.

We pride ourselves in comprehensive reporting - transparancy and accountability is KEY! We love what we do and always make sure that everyone can follow the steps we take!

You are welcome to request our quarterly reports. They are automatically availed to sponsors and partners in community building!



Monday, March 28th 2011
Stunning day in Goodwood Prison! I am deeply grateful for the learning processes! Each journey availed for the next one! Each one of us a Student and a Guide! Each one of us given the opportunity to reap grand rewards! All it takes is that we start making ourselves a priority and embrace responsibility in our lives. This is where we rise through a strengthened sense of uniqueness and merge right back into UNITY!

♥ W O W ♥

In the first session of the day we used the Animal Exercise in THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL to dive deeper into how we see ourselves, which is based upon how we FEEL about ourselves. We focused on 'The Animal I see myself as'. We explored being a 'LION', an 'EAGLE', an 'ANT' and a 'DOLPHIN' (chosen by the participants). Keywords such as 'Purpose', 'Loyal', 'Family', 'Hardworking', 'Free', 'Love', 'Leader', 'Passive', 'Unity', 'Protective', 'Fear', 'Playful', 'Careful', 'Fearless', 'Proud' and 'Beautiful' came up. We explored the meaning of these keywords (always related to feeling) and transformed them into Affirmations. VERY POWERFUL. An affirmation is a statement of what is already so. They guys felt empowered.

This exercise leads up to looking at our values/toolboxes and how/why we have created them. In the second session we dived into 'THE PLEASER' and how the pleaser can be a pattern we are not aware of. We looked at the importance of identifying the pattern before any change can happen. Only when you OWN it can you truly make the change. As many of the participants aren't that strong in english we read out loud which strenghtens their language and the understanding of words. They LOVED it. Welcome (inmate coach student) is alwasy helpful with translation into Xhosa and Afrikaans if needed.

Next week we will look at the pattern of 'THE VICTIM'.

Wednesday, March 30th 2011
Today at the Worcester Men's Prison - all day workshops with our inmate coach team. They are ready to roll out The Responsible Individual in the prison on a much bigger scale, offering a hand in guidance to their fellow inmates. Our facilitator teams are travel companions, who journey and explore with their clients. Gently! Luyanda was leading the workshop today, guiding a group of 6 guys who were experiencing a team challenge. They started with the keyword 'Tolerate' as a workshop opener. More key words were inspired by the process itself... 'Transparancy', 'Understanding', 'Differences', 'Allowance', 'Listening', 'Sharing openly', 'Communitication' etc. It was amazing to be part of! Stunning Guidance by our team!

You can see Luyanda's Workshop Notes here: VISIT OUR PRISON UPDATE

END OF Q1 2011
Quarterly reports of all prison processes are in process. Will be availed to Prisons, sponsors and on request within 14 days.



What an AWESOME session today in the Nyanga Township. Farouk Ulueme (Responsibility Coach Student): I loved your gentle guidance of the group, the windows you availed from your personal journey and the 'doors' you found to the journeys of others, reminding them to go deeper in exploring themselves and their visions. THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL can be guided in so many beautiful ways as we open ourselves to learning.

What a stunning SmilingOne team!


Today I received a fax from the Western Cape Regional Office of Correctional Services. The fax says: "The Regional Quality Assurance Committee has given careful consideration to your presentation and found the programme supportive to the core objective of the Department of Correctional Services. In this light the Quality Assurance Committee has concluded to endorse your programme and service, namely SmilingOne, for use within the Western Cape Region... " What a fantastic achievement! My deepfelt gratitude goes to the SmilingOne Family. Each one an essential puzzle piece!

Now we are calling out to sponsor to kindly assist us take on this amazing task. We are currently in 5 prisons. Our aim is to expand to 5 more in 2011 and by 2012 be ready to accommodate at least 20 correctional instituations.

Exciting news! Update

I just returned from an awesome day coaching in prison. I feel so inspired... perfect for spending a bit of time visiting my online Diary and updating it. Love to review what has all happened the past few weeks. My last update was March 10th. LOTS has happened since then.... so here we go!

What has taken a lot of my time has been the preparation of the grant application for NLDTF. And in the midst of this we bumbed into a challenge. Lottery only accepts applications that entail two years of financial audited statements. Even if we have had three operational years - two of them were voluntary (sponsored by me privately) and one financial year (the trust was founded end of 2009 due to the huge success of the initiative). So our only option: to apply in partnership with an organisation that has at least 2 financial years. After knocking on a couple of doors I spoke to MylifE and founder Linzi Thomas. She was excited about the opportunity to assist us - also because there is a lot of synergy in what we do.
We have applied for R4.6M to cover 75% of operational cost plus equipment/vehicles/containers for budget year 2011. The grant application often takes up to a year to be processed. This means that we will keep knocking on doors for sponsorships/partners in community building to assist us in sustaining and expanding all processes.

Thank you to our Chartered Accountant and Auditor HG Page who walked an extra mile for us to finalize our financial year 2010/11. You are welcome to request a copy of our audit.

Every Friday there is a Circle of Sharing in the Nyanga Township facilitated by Farouk Ulueme (Responsibility Coach Student). I attend every second Friday - also to avail one-on-one sessions to the facilitator team. I am in AWE of how beautiful the process is running. More and more people from the community make use of the sessions. They are discovering the value of having a place of sharing and caring. What a privilege it is to walk the journey with them.

And thank you Farouk for your wonderful guidance to the community!

On March 15th I turned 39. I had such a beautiful day with my kids. Especially through these busy weeks I valued to have a day of silencing and enjoying some special quality time with my family. I am so blessed. Daniel and Nathalie had cleaned the whole house and was spoiling me all day long. We went to the movies and enjoyed 'Tangled'. Afterwards we dined at our favorite pizza restaurant in Cavendish.

I am deeply grateful for the year of learning that I have now completed and the year of opportunity that I welcome today! I know my heart and will continue to walk by its calling!

Friday, March 18th Chris (Responsibility Coach Student) and Xolisile (Youth Community Builder) visited me in Muizenberg. We spend some FunSharingCaring time together blogging. I shared my blogging toolbox with them and guided both of them through the world of blogging. I realize how important my own journey with the SmilingOne Website/Blog has been. Not having had the funds to pay for a website I started learning about blogging a few years back. Learning by doing. Today this is a skill that can easily be passed on. I am so grateful for the journey and the opportunity to share of this amazing tool. Accesible to everyone at no cost! Perfect to add to the journey of personal and community development.

This is the result after only a few hours of learning the blogging tool. Visit the new (in process) blogs of CHRIS and of XOLISILE.

Saturday March 19th we had our monthly showcasing event in the Nyanga Township. The preparations offered our team great learning! We had promoted the event, yet did not receive any funding towards food for the kids. Thabo - our senior community builder in Nyanga - took it upon himself to knock on some more doors in the surrounds of Nyanga. He went to Shoprite and they kindly sponsored fruit and ingredients for a healhty meal for our event! Thabo called me with great excitement. He told me how empowered he felt and that he realized that he could do so much more.

On the day of the event we realized that we had run out of gas in the kitchen of the creche. No gas meant no food. The team went knocking on doors in the township and found a family that kindly borrowed us their gas to use for our cooking. Every single challenge offers an opportunity. One of our objectives is to involve more of the Nyanga Community. The challenges that we experienced both in the days leading up to the event and on the day of the event was opening the door for further community involvement. WOW!

And what an amazing day it was!!

'Snake Dance' through the streets of the Nyanga Township - bringing our showcase to the community!

We are singing "I know I can be what I want to be..."

We are walking in UNITY...

Each child showcases a vision on stage...

Ivan shares of his creativity. This poster he made for the event!

Cuma lives in the Nyanga Township and has been part of our SmilingOne Family and Saturday workshops for the past 9 months. Life in the township can be very challenging and we are experiencing how Cuma - only 6 years old - is struggling to cope. We would love to help the family. We are doing home visits (one-on-one talks) and have also invited the family to take part in our programme and benefit from the Circles of Sharing with the rest of the community.

Cuma visited my kids and I for a couple of days. He loved the beach, cherry tomatoes, FunLovingSharingCaringMoments, hugs and lots of attention... Here we are visiting the Aquarium in town:

On March 22nd 2011 the Board of Trustees / The SmilingOne Foundation met for our annual general meeting. Xhanti Lamani, Meeghan Norwitz and I, Karina Andersen were present at the meeting. Sarah Hewland was excused. Sarah is resigning as a trustee due to other priorities and commitments.

Key points at our AGM were approval of our audit by the board and planning for 2011 fundraising events and activities. We are excited about bringing the foundation to the next level and in doing so touching even more lives!

PRISON COACHING DAYS (115 inmates active in the process)

Mondays @Goodwood Prison.

On March 14th we explored how each moment and each challenge is an opportunity to know more about ourselves and ‘WHO WE REALLY ARE’. One of the guys had a challenge on religion. The window offered in the circle was that we are all wonderfully different/unique and here to find our own beautiful way. For everyone in the circle 'divine inspiration' played a role. Sometimes we just call it differently. For some it is religion. Others call it spirituality.

We used the AWARENESS SPECTRUM by adding in the challenges experienced, how we felt, re-acted and then the middle of the spectrum we used to find the purpose/gift in the experience. In the session we moved more and more towards speaking about TRUST. And how imbalance often is connected with a distrust within. We spoke about what does it mean to trust and what is trust really? One of the guys felt distrust towards his stepmother who now was looking after his kids. We looked at the mirror she was to him. We also explored if the circle felt that everything in life is meaningful / comes with a lesson/learning. And if so – how even the most challenging experience can be turned into a gift.

We have 30 inmates in the process (two of them are in coach training)!

Wednesdays @Worcester Prisons
On March 16th 2011 I started the day with the Quality Assurance Committee for the Brederiver Management Area. The Worcester Men's Prison falls under this area. We have been working on this quality assurance for the past 9 months. All programmes offered to DCS has to be approved and endorsed before it can be facilitated. This process has been amazing learning for our team. It has asked us to trust the process and to be patient. Learning opportunities goes beyond a weekly Circle of Sharing. Each day life offers learning. And not to forget: DCS is also learning! The meeting today was the final meeting prior to officially opening the process in the Men's prison where we since May 2010 have had some of our inmate coaches incarcerated (they transferred from Brandvlei Maximum Prison).

After the meeting I went inside prison to meet the team. Another stunning session with deep processing and preparation of upcoming workshops. Thando is working on a workshop called 'uTHANDO' (LOVE), Luyanda on a workshop called TOLERANCE and Maka on a workshop called BROTHERHOOD. The workshops are part of their educational training as coaches/guides.

We were also looking into some of the processes that both Luyanda and Maka were busy with. Both of them are keen to be transferred to Drakenstein and Allandale Prisons - to start THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL there, bringing it to more people. We spoke about not living in the future; but to be present in the moment. A challenge that both of them had as they were planning ahead for the transfer. TRUST came up, which we unpacked and explored.

We have 5 inmate coaches/students in Worcester Medium!

March 23rd 2011 @Brandvlei Maximum Prison:

The drawing is from our PBP (personal balanced profile) workshop today in session with the SmilingOne inmate coach/guide student team.

Do we approach life, every experience, people/relationships, our role as a Guide... like the natural growth / unfolding of a tree? Or do we tend to control?

This tree was created over our 2-hour session. Each of us taking turns to add an ingredient as we shared of current processes. For each add-on it opened up a world of possibility. It showed us how each piece was unique and added/contributed to the UNITY. Not one without the other!!

We spoke about how we sometimes can be 'stuck' on/in a plan if we are not allowing flexibility (possibility). This is an essential reminder also in Guidance. It is KEY to enter your session (meet your client) open and flexible, and allow the session to unfold naturally - like the process of a tree.

This exercise also served as an ingredient in understanding the potential of the Active Development of the PBP (Gauging My VISION, My FOCUS, My ACTIONS and My IMPROVEMENTS).

I am deeply grateful for todays session. The idea of doing this exercise was born in the session, it unfolded in the session and it planted a seed in each one of us - a seed that we are passing on to those around us; not just in words but in our doings, walking the journey true to our heart.

The team (5 inmate coach students) has 40 clients in the process!

March 23rd @Goodwood Medium/Juvenile Prison
I had a 2-hour session with Franklin (inmate coach student) who is both guiding fellow inmates in the youth centre (16-19yrs old) and in the medium centre (20yrs upwards). Keywords of learning that we focused on in our session: Growth, Freedom, Guidance, Leadership, Neutrality, Humility. Amazing how life avails learning opportunity to assist us in deepening ourselves. Sometimes this brings us into an imbalance first and from there we can build the bridge to balance. All is meaningful as we journey through life. It was an inspiring session!

Franklin is currently guiding 34 inmates through the process.

March 23rd 2011: Today I received a fax from the Western Cape Regional Office of Correctional Services. The fax says: "The Regional Quality Assurance Committee has given careful consideration to your presentation and found the programme supportive to the core objective of the Department of Correctional Services. In this light the Quality Assurance Committee has concluded to endorse your programme and service, namely SmilingOne, for use within the Western Cape Region... " What a fantastic achievement! My deepfelt gratitude goes to the SmilingOne Family. Each one an essential puzzle piece!

Now we are calling out to sponsor to kindly assist us take on this amazing task. We are currently in 5 prisons. Our aim is to expand to 5 more in 2011 and by 2012 be ready to accommodate at least 20 correctional instituations.

This was my past two weeks. Eventful!

Thank you for your continuous support!

My Prison Marathon

A stunning day visiting the prisons in the Worcester Area. It was a looooong day (7am to 7pm) and truly enriching!

9am-11am with our inmate Responsibility Coach Student Team in Brandvlei Maximum: Bradley, Brian, Thembalethu, Lumkile and Malixole. We have started the PBP workshop which will run over the next few months. The PBP (Personal Balanced Profile) is one of our key tools in The Responsible Individual Manual and an essential part of the coach educational training in the first module: New Beginnings.

In our first workshop we re-visited Self-Identity. Are we aligned with the Mission we chose to affirm 6-9 months ago (individually)? Are there things we would like to change? Can we deepen ourselves and maybe even simplify the path we walk? It was a very powerful workshop. We also looked at the affirmed values that each one of them had chosen for their individual toolboxes. Leadership, integrity, love, appreciation, dignity were a few of the ingredients that we explored. It is always powerful to look at possible ‘attachments’ when we are in a realignment process. Are our values motivated by love or are there traces of fear (old attachments/patterns/conditions).

We also looked deeper into our community building tool: A CIRCLE OF CHANGE. Are we in our personal circle of change doing what our heart tells us too? Are we listening? Brian stepped forward and expressed how he would love to change the way he did things right now. He loves the platform of The Responsible Individual and would love the opportunity to guide the process via the tool of art instead. This was such a valuable ingredient in the group session. Showcasing how there is not just one way... but so many ways to explore and express the art of guidance

11am-1pm with inmate Responsibility Coach Student Franklin at the Brandvlei Juvenile (YOUTH) Centre. As I came Franklin was already busy with a Circle of Sharing. 15 guys were attending. 8 of them were completely new. The group was exploring ‘responsibility’, ‘feelings’, ‘labels such as criminal’ and everyone had the opportunity to share why they had joined the programme. The first session can be a scary one for many of the new participants. What really made a huge difference were the testimonies of the youth (17-21 yrs old) who last year graduated part 1 and this year have joined part 2 of the programme. Each of them opened a window of opportunity, shared of their personal journey which was one of embracing challenge as a gift and living life with purpose. It is so powerful when we avail our personal journeys and experiences to others, when we open the window to our life to share a piece of it. This can be a great inspiration to others.

After the session I had a one-on-one session with Franklin. He had also started 20 new juveniles (21-25 yrs old) in the Medium Prison – they are all his test clients. All 20 had signed up and had their first session. Franklin and I explored ALLOWANCE and PATIENCE... (and not to run too fast). We looked at how the natural maturing of any process is essential. It is like growing a tree. You cannot and should not rush it. The question is: Are we nurturing the natural growth and celebrating each new development? Can we let go of control? Do we understand the ‘need’ to control (our own limitation)? Achievement came up. What does it mean to achieve?

It was a great session which opened quite a few doors to deepen ourselves further. Franklin is also busy with his two first case studies (in Module 1). Next to his commitment as a Responsibility Coach Student he has also started to activate more elements of the CIRCLE OF CHANGE. Amongst the participants he has discovered skills that can be utilized in creative expression workshops – like card making. Other creative workshops will follow.

The educational path of a Responsibility Coach includes practising our community building tool THE CIRCLE OF CHANGE. It is amazing to observe how it happens naturally when we share openly, care deeply and begin to understand the wonderful resource that we are! Once we fuel our personal circle of change we can inspire it in others.

2-3pm with the inmate Responsibility Coach and Student Team in the Worcester Prison (Luyanda, Maka, Thando, Malcolm and Collin). We looked at the workshop that each one of the three coaches are preparing as part of their coach educational training and how they walk their journey aligned with the themes. Often we choose a theme because it means something special to us. It relates to a personal process that we are currently busy with. This is also an essential part of responsibility. To embrace the learning that is offered to us – also in the workshop that we are preparing for others. It always works both ways. Luyanda’s theme is ‘Tolerance’. Thando’s is uThando (meaning LOVE) and Maka’s is ‘Brotherhood’.

In this group we might soon have a few transfers to other prisons. Luyanda is keen to bring The Responsible Individual to Allandale Prison. Maka wants to bring it to Drakenstein Prison. We are awaiting feedback from the prisons. The best way to bring the process to another prison is to have one of our trained inmate Responsibility Coaches and/or Students to assist from the inside.

What an amazing day!

What I take with me from today's sessions is that when a process is nurtured with love it grows in the most beautiful way. Love is allowing, it has no need to control, it embraces all, it never judges, it build bridges and breaks down the most resistant walls!

I am in AWE of how the seed planted 3 years ago has grown to become this stunning process enriching so many lives! I feel so privileged and enriched!
