Monday, March 28th 2011
Stunning day in Goodwood Prison! I am deeply grateful for the learning processes! Each journey availed for the next one! Each one of us a Student and a Guide! Each one of us given the opportunity to reap grand rewards! All it takes is that we start making ourselves a priority and embrace responsibility in our lives. This is where we rise through a strengthened sense of uniqueness and merge right back into UNITY!

♥ W O W ♥

In the first session of the day we used the Animal Exercise in THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL to dive deeper into how we see ourselves, which is based upon how we FEEL about ourselves. We focused on 'The Animal I see myself as'. We explored being a 'LION', an 'EAGLE', an 'ANT' and a 'DOLPHIN' (chosen by the participants). Keywords such as 'Purpose', 'Loyal', 'Family', 'Hardworking', 'Free', 'Love', 'Leader', 'Passive', 'Unity', 'Protective', 'Fear', 'Playful', 'Careful', 'Fearless', 'Proud' and 'Beautiful' came up. We explored the meaning of these keywords (always related to feeling) and transformed them into Affirmations. VERY POWERFUL. An affirmation is a statement of what is already so. They guys felt empowered.

This exercise leads up to looking at our values/toolboxes and how/why we have created them. In the second session we dived into 'THE PLEASER' and how the pleaser can be a pattern we are not aware of. We looked at the importance of identifying the pattern before any change can happen. Only when you OWN it can you truly make the change. As many of the participants aren't that strong in english we read out loud which strenghtens their language and the understanding of words. They LOVED it. Welcome (inmate coach student) is alwasy helpful with translation into Xhosa and Afrikaans if needed.

Next week we will look at the pattern of 'THE VICTIM'.

Wednesday, March 30th 2011
Today at the Worcester Men's Prison - all day workshops with our inmate coach team. They are ready to roll out The Responsible Individual in the prison on a much bigger scale, offering a hand in guidance to their fellow inmates. Our facilitator teams are travel companions, who journey and explore with their clients. Gently! Luyanda was leading the workshop today, guiding a group of 6 guys who were experiencing a team challenge. They started with the keyword 'Tolerate' as a workshop opener. More key words were inspired by the process itself... 'Transparancy', 'Understanding', 'Differences', 'Allowance', 'Listening', 'Sharing openly', 'Communitication' etc. It was amazing to be part of! Stunning Guidance by our team!

You can see Luyanda's Workshop Notes here: VISIT OUR PRISON UPDATE

END OF Q1 2011
Quarterly reports of all prison processes are in process. Will be availed to Prisons, sponsors and on request within 14 days.
