In Nyanga Township

LOVE our kids in the Nyanga Township! What a beautiful day of sharing and caring!

See more photos on our Facebook Page

Today we had another wonderful workshop in Nyanga with the youth and our SmilingOne Team. We meet every Saturday 10am-2pm.

We started the day picking up our food donation from SHOPRITE Philippi (Thank You!!!)
Next step was to divide the kids into task groups - today we had a tomato, a leek, a carrot and an onion task group. Each group preparing the ingredients for our meal. Today we had plenty of tomatoes and decided to do a tomato soup.

Then we joined in a Moment of Silence... learning to tap into the centre of our being, silencing, relaxing, observing, breathing.... just being.

Game/play time...

At 12.30pm food was ready and everybody helped to dish for our 60 kids participating today.

1-2pm we had our team meeting - reflecting upon the day with the youth, exploring thoughts and ideas going forward. We have been looking for containers for a while to setup our own office space and the recycling SWOP SHOP. This is one area that is really urgent! We spoke about maybe looking into building an office (instead of container). We are grateful for donations in this regard! We do need your helping hand!! : )
