I always aim to spice my week with at least 3 visits to the virgin active gym. I am deeply grateful for our Discovery Health/Vitality Package. My kids and I have access to gym at no cost at all. (Thank you thank you thank you!)
Keeping both mentally, physically and spiritual fit is KEY in my life. It is all about balancing. If I neglect one I can easilier neglect the other. It asks of commitment. Commitment to me and my journey.
This counts for my nutritional choices as well. How do I fuel my engine and keep it running smooth all day? I have had quite a journey when it comes to nutritional choices. I was only 15 years old when I started my battle with Bulimia. I know exactly how it is to eat because I feel emotionally challenged and off balance. Eating to fill a void. And I know from experience that this does not serve my body at all. The learning that I have gained when being 'off balance' is knowledge I can use to find a balance that truly serves me - holistically. Today I know my body so much better, I have learned listen to it, to love it and to treat it as my temple.
A few years ago I created my Witch Bun Recipe, which is a wholesome treat for all my senses. See http://www.witchbun.com/ for more info. It is easy to bake. Just mix the ingredients that appeal to you. Don't use yeast. Let it bake at low temperature. If you bake it as a bread let it bake for at least 50 minutes. Buns are less. Find your own unique way!