Music for the road...
And we look forward to continue working hand in hand with DCS and to take LOVING ACTION for our beautiful South Africa!
♥ Karina
Meeghan is one of our qualified coaches. She wants to bring THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL and a CIRCLE OF CHANGE to Pollsmoor Women's Prison. This would be our FIRST prison process with Women. One of our strong focuses in 2011.
Meeghan has for the past one and a half year assisted our prison process in Goodwood Prison for men and is also active with our Re-Integration Team and Youth.
Our Youth Community Builder Team in Nyanga has made Schools and bringing THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL to the Students one of their main objectives for 2011. I have been busy preparing a 'School Presentation Kit' with name/team badges, presentation letters to the schools etc. This is such an exciting step! Our Team will go to the schools, share of their personal journeys and invite students to join the team - all to build a healthy, green and safe community.
It has also been a day of (re)connecting. New and 'Old' Friends. Loving when doors open and I am invited to explore exciting possibilities - always adding to the wonderful path that I and the SmilingOne Team is walking...
These doors are everywhere!
Tomorrow Wednesday is normally my prison day. However - the Juvenile Prison (which would have been my task) only opens up after the 4th of Feb. So tomorrow I will continue to knock on lots of doors and invite opportunity!
Back at Goodwood Prison
Meeghan and I had such inspiring sessions today. In our first 2hour session we had 14 participants (including Welcome and Louis who are in coach training) and another14 participants in our second 2hour session.
The guys were excited to start the year off diving deeper into their journeys of self discovery and to walk the change they had welcomed into their lives. What stood very clear for me today was CHOICE: each one coming today CHOSE to be there... simply because they had chosen to make themselves a priority. It was stunning to see their commitment to SELF and the process.
For myself - I feel so energized and so RICH after our sessions. Lots of windows were opened in the circles - lots of gifts for my journey of Guidance and Learning.
I look forward to update you weekly on our processes within the Goodwood Prison! Watch this space ; )
Beautiful SMILING faces!
Inspiring workshops... dancing/movement...
...drawing / creative expression...
...and SOUND!
After the workshops we enjoyed a stunning meal. Here we give thanks before we start eating.
We ended our workshop with a 2011 team meeting. Our year will be spiced with inspiring EVENTS, a new inspirational school programme, a TV educational programme etc.
You can follow frequent community updates and news via our Facebook Page.
CHOICE is not to be taken lightly, but used wisely!
Our sessions are facilitated every Friday in the Nyanga Township - a platform offered to our Youth Community Builders and to the rest of the community - a place of sharing and caring. We explored CHOICE today. Farouk highlighted page 79 in our manual THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL: "...choice is not to be taken lightly, but used wisely."
Bongani shared how he used to take his choices lightly, like the first time he went UCT. He did not at that time understand the value of being there and he ended up not finalizing his studies. The experience was important and taught him differently. He told us that he had joined UCT again - this time to finalize his studies... choosing wisely.
It was an AMAZING session!
Reliable and soooo sexy!
A humbling experience
Inspiring Prison Day
I am right now reading some of the letters given to me by our coach students in Brandvlei Maximum Prison. Collin Duda shares: "The first step in my life-changing journey was the hardest and one I had to do on my own. By the Power of Sharing I was injected with a Change of Attitude and a Wave of Knowledge filled me. Since then I never look back... I keep on looking deeper into myself... and I fell IN LOVE with myself..."
♥ W O W ♥
I am in AWE of their sharing and feel so proud to walk the journey with them!
We are LOVING ACTION for our beautiful South Africa
Prison Processes to begin again!
"We learn from our challenges. Especially when they press our button. 'Button' helps me to notice where I am stuck. Then I start to realize I have a responsibility to explore challenge and what it means to my life."
I am excited about starting our prison processes again for 2011. The holiday has been wonderful (enjoying 'empty spaces') - however, being back in action is GREAT! I know that our team inside is excited too. The festive season and the long holiday December/January is always quite a stretch and also a challenging time inside prison. To be back in session is so fruitful for all of us!
Online Community and Discussion Forum
Sharing is Caring!
Community Builder Workshop in the Nyanga Township
What is of great importance to us at SmilingOne is sustainability. Everything we bring to a community must be able to stay there and be nurtured from the inside. This is why the coach educational training is of great importance. Within a period of two years the community will be equipped to run the CIRCLE OF CHANGE by themselves - of course still in partnership with us.
I look forward to a year of great achievement in Nyanga. The platform we have established has created openness, trust and commitment in the group. This will take us to new heights!
Responsibility Coaches™
For us it is an amazing opportunity to showcase the amazing work that this stunning team is doing! Every single person a unique puzzle piece.
Visit our updated page:
All coaches/students who have an online profile (and who are featured on the page) have been in their coach educational training for at least one year. Many of them are with the team for the past 2-3 years.
What I also enjoy about technology today is the opportunity to avail THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL to a global audience. All coaches/students are also available via Skype for online one-on-one or group sessions.
eBook of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL to be launched shortly! Order your copy TODAY!
I have through the last week been busy transforming THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL (book and responsibility manual) into a personalized eBook (PDF) - to be launched within the next week! It is amazing what great difference this book/manual already has made for so many people - also in the most diverse environments and communities here in South Africa. Now we are going GLOBAL. THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL will be accessible to everyone!
With the purchase of the eBook you are also supporting The SmilingOne Foundation and the remarkable and life-changing work that the Foundation and THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL is doing in South Africa inside Prisons and with their Re-Integration and Youth Programmes. The price of the eBook goes 100% into our Trust!
With PayPal you are ensured an easy and secure payment method
(= R275 / 31 EURO / 230 DKR)
Our Knysna Adventure
The Tree House
We are soooo excited to start our Knysna Adventure with a night in the Tree House - located at the Southern Comfort Horse Ranch on the Garden Route between Plett and Knysna. A reminder that it is the 'little' things that count and that the road of fulfilness is one paved with love - walked in simplicity. Let's travel light ; )
The Swing
Oooooh we love this swing. It takes us way up HIGH! Tickles us to joyfulness and laughs. We help each other - not one without the other. I am reminded of being the 'Child in Joy'. Let us always remember to PLAY!
The Pond
In Conflict or Peace?
A duck comes a bit too close and is chased away by the Swan...
Life teaches me every single day how BEAUTIFUL our differences are and how much we can learn from each other when we just open our hearts ♥ I walk in Peace!
Walking with Elephants
Gentle Giants
The Knysna Elephant Park is an amazing experience. I see playfulness - aaaah those young ellies - patience, togetherness and gentleness. I am so grateful for the gift of Walking with the Elephants.
The Camp Fire
The camp fire reminds me of 'Passion'
and how that which drives us (within) flavours all we do.
The wood catches fire. The fire is first raging and spitting to the left and to the right. Yet still only burning the surface. It has to be kept going, fed - almost as if it cannot get enough.
Then it is as if the mood changes...
The fire has entered deep into the wood, burning with great intensity and a calmness that radiates depth and warmth.
Each fire is a process. Each process allows us to choose!
Are we staying on the surface - just talking? Or are we allowing ourselves to go deeper - do the walking - driven from the depth of our hearts!
A colourful journey
The Knysna trip was filled with playfulness, joy, love, laughter, togetherness, nature, mindfulness, simplicity, peacefulness...
ALL ingredients that I take with me into this new year ♥
Off to Knysna for the week...
Have a GREAT week! I look forward to share more about my trip when I get back.
Remember to share some SMILES and touch some HEARTS ; )
2011 is a year of being LOVE!
Quarterly Reports ensure Transparency
We value Partners in Community Building and pride ourselves in keeping them in the loop with our quarterly comprehensive reports . We love to be transparent in all our projects and feel inspired to inspire!
Writing this report was such an amazing experience. As I revisit the processes I feel SO grateful for being part of this journey. And I feel so inspired to continue this amazing path. It is such a privileg!
You can view the report here
We give thanks to The SHOUT Foundation for the amazing support. And we give thanks to ALL of you, who follow us on the journey towards a healthy, green and safe South Africa. There is no us without YOU!