I am SO inspired!
We can do so much MORE when we do it TOGETHER!!!
Thank you SHOUT!
A special thank you to Debbie Prins - You are an Angel - to everyone who so lovingly has offered helping hands AND to The SHOUT Foundation. I look forward to meet up with all of you tomorrow in Jo'Burg.
Happy Sunday Everyone!
Until then NADC has availed a space within their existing office to accommodate SmilingOne. Thabo Makhanya (SmilingOne Re-Integration) will be running our Nyanga Office - assisted by Chris Plum and Farouk Ulueme (SmilingOne Responsibility Coach Students / Re-Integration Team).
We also spoke about our upcoming holiday programme - to begin December 13. More on this later.
Happy Thursday Everone!Infront of Parliament this morning.
My meeting today with Mike Ramagoma (Ministry - Dept of Correctional Services) in Parliament was an amazing one! He embraced the work we are doing with a lot of interest and great appreciation.
Focus today was to ask the Ministry for active involvement and support - also in the arena of attracting funds to sustain and expand both regionally and nationally. We discovered the first elements of a shared vision which both the Ministry and SmilingOne will pursue. Many more strategic meetings are to be held to explore the potential of the partnership and to take action...
SmilingOne is committed to continue to inspire Society - also through our online platform - and I have asked the Ministry for their full support and endorsement of this 'Window to our Initiative' as it will assist us in:
Happy Thursday Everyone!
In Gratitude
Many inside prison are from areas such as Nyanga and surrounding townships like Gugulethu, Philippi, Crossroads etc. - areas where both Ivan and Shawn grew up and where we have activated the CIRCLE OF CHANGE since October 2009.
What a wonderful opportunity for us all. To be in those Circles of Sharing in prison cannot easily be explained in words. It is so much more powerful when you are there - it is MINDBLOWING and such a humbling experience! And it reminds us of how much we can do for our communities and that there is hope! Change IS possible... and for each SMILE we share we touch a HEART!
We cater for up to 100 kids every Saturday.
Sharing SMILES,
Touching HEARTS!