Music for the road...
MUGGED... Nobody can rob our hearts!
The last incident was on this very last day of the year. He shared with us all: "I feel so terrified, so fearful and vulnerable. Once again I was attacked by street gangs in the Nyanga township on my way to facilitate the responsible individual session with the youth community builders. Why have I attracted this I do not know. But I feel I desire some moments of silence so as to connect with the peace within me."
Even in this time of great challenge he looks for the gift: "My journey is so unique. I am so grateful. Am allowed to be vulnerable. For in my vulnerability lies my greatest strength."
The incidents are also gifting me and the team with a reminder of how important our work is in the townships, how important it is to plant the seed of LOVE and to inspire LOVE by our own living example.I am so grateful that Farouk was left unharmed. We are NOT giving up! Nobody can rob our hearts!
Let us join hands and walk UNITED... for a greener, healthier and SAFER South Africa!
In Gratitude
Thank You SmilingOne Team
Thank you Diana
Thank you Meeghan
Thank you Farouk
Thank you Thabo
Thank you Chris
Thank you Shawn
Thank you Chumani
Thank you Mo D
Thank you Bianca
Thank you Bulelwa
Thank you Thando
Thank you Luyanda
Thank you Sibabalo
Thank you Welcome
Thank you Louis
Thank you Malcolm
Thank you Andrew
Thank you Malixole
Thank you Brian
Thank you Bradley
Thank you Mlandeli
Thank you Lumkile
Thank you Thembalethu
Thank you Collin
Thank you Franklin
Thank you Alfred
Thank you DCS
Thank you Brandvlei Maximum
Thank you Worcester Medium
Thank you Goodwood Medium
Thank you NADC
Thank you Nyanga Community
Thank you SHOUT
I am SO Inspired
Walking a path paved with LOVE
Beautiful Moments SHARED and CARED
PARTNERSHIPS formed and strengthened
Such JOY to walk by and be true to my HEART
The Journey is taking me...

What a GRAND Year
I welcome 2011 with an open and grateful Heart
L O V E &
Each day is an opportunity to share and care!
We wanted to give Farouk a very special treat and invited him to come to Muizenberg to stay with us for a few days.
Farouk's first surfing adventure on the 26th
Moments of Sharing and Caring
It only takes a moment to touch someone's heart! I am so grateful to have and to nurture these beautiful connections. My heart SMILES when your heart SMILES!
Share a SMILE, touch a HEART!
★MERRY★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★CHRISTMAS★ 。* 。
...° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
............˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚And a FABULOUS 2011★
★Thank you to ALL for your loving support!★
Peace, Love & Gratitude ★ Karina & The SmilingOne Foundation
My Letter of Gratitude 2010
When I look back at this year I am in AWE! It has been a year of SHARING and CARING. A year of EXPANDING and DEEPENING ourselves - both as eternal STUDENTS and EXPLORERS of life, and as HUMBLE and NEUTRAL Guides. It has indeed been a year of remarkable transformation!
As we entered 2010 we were active in 2 prisons: Brandvlei Maximum and Goodwood Medium. Through the year committed and valued team members/guides have taken the process with them as they transferred to other prisons: Worcester Medium Prison, Brandvlei Medium and Brandvlei Juvenile Prison are all active with THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL today. Recently we have had another two team members transferring to Malmesbury and Voorberg Prisons. The journey will show us the way...
I am reminded that we might sometimes ‘think’ we know where this is all leading us – however – we have indeed only seen a tiny bit of what is still to come. It is profound when we can ALLOW the process to take us, instead of us controlling the process. It asks of us to TRUST in ourselves, to pay attention to the guiding VOICE within and to LISTEN to the messages that our journey avails us. Before acting we check in with ourselves to make sure that we operate from LOVE instead of FEAR.
In 2010 we have WELCOMED many wonderful new team members / fellow coach students and community builders to walk this INTRIQUING path of RESPONSIBILITY:
- We are now 18 active coaches/students inside South African Prisons: Luyanda, Sibabalo , Thando and Welcome. New: Andrew, Malcolm, Bradley, Brian, Mlandeli, Lumkile, Thembalethu, Malixole, Collin, Franklin, Ricardo, Johannes and Louis.
- There are 2 active coach students in our Re-Integration Programme for Ex-offenders in Cape Town: Chris and Farouk, (both assisting our youth process as well).
- 2 active coaches assisting facilitation in prisons plus youth/re-integration programme: Meeghan and Karina.
- 1 active Senior Community Builder (also part of our Re-Integration Programme) in Nyanga Township: Thabo and 5 active Youth Community Builders: Ivan, Shawn, Mo D, Bulelwa and Bianca – all involved in our Youth and Holiday Programme.
- 2 active coaches in Denmark: Diana and Vivian.
The SmilingOne Family is growing daily. Each one of us a VALUABLE and truly UNIQUE puzzle piece – not one without the other! This year I have come to understand more than ever how CONNECTED we all are... <
I realize that the more I add to me and my learning, the more I add to the UNITY! As I heal ME, I heal YOU – as YOU heal YOU, YOU heal ME.
used to be what I feared the most
used to be what I could not face
used to be what I called weak
I was trying to be somebody else
trying to hide behind masks
covering up the scars
of my past
What I did not know
What I did not understand
Beyond fear lies love
Beyond weakness lies strength
Beyond separateness lies wholeness
I chose to risk to be guided
by what I feared the most
Standing naked
Not knowing
I felt like
I suddenly realized
As we bid 2010 farewell and welcome 2011 I walk PROUD in my vulnerability and understand that it has become my greatest strength. It is where I feel the most connected to everyone else, it is where I give of myself fully, unconditionally. May each one of you find the gift of your own vulnerability. It is not only there to teach you about yourself – also about others!
This has indeed been one of the great teachings in our activated CIRCLE OF CHANGE for the YOUTH of The Nyanga Township (since July 2010). Vulnerability we see every single day and we see how so many try to hide it away - ‘surviving’ instead of truly living. We are there to inspire LOVE, to add spice to LIFE and to assist building bridges instead of walls. We have joined hands in PARTNERSHIP with the Nyanga Community, the Nyanga Artists and with the Nyanga Cresch. It is our vision to EMPOWER a whole community as we strive towards a HEALTHY, GREEN and SAFE South Africa – one heart at a time!
I realize more than ever that it is the small steps that counts. Each one of them counts! Inspiring CHANGE is not rocket science. It starts right here with ME! And as I have experienced with the YOUTH - it is the quality time I spend, the hugs I give and the love I share that truly matters. With this we establish a platform of LOVE and TRUST and from here we can build anything that a heart desire!
This is a beautiful reminder to take with us in all our relationships... BE there with all of your heart! Each step counts!
I wish each one of you a peaceful and tranquil festive season – you have it all within! Thank you for the gift you are!
In Gratitude
ABC Press, That’s Africa, International Cablemakers Federation, CTICC, Dave Thorpe, Asset Print, LRC, Eben Human / Assignment3, Ashton Gardner, Marguerite Holtzhausen, Gisele Cadieux, Aslam Bava, Maureen Dugmore, Glenis Du Toit, Fernando Smit, TransformationWithin, Khosi Myaka, Lorraine Forbes, Laura Lykkegaard Selander, Peter Kater, Amanda Kropman, Brian O’Shea, Phillip Dexter, Nouchy, Stephan Kloppert, Gas Appliance Centre, David Untiedt, Susan Daly, Christine Hansen, Vaughan McGee, Eva Georgia and Family, Naomi Norwitz, AD, RDA, TeenFest, Craig Prins, Debbie & Bruce Prins, Joy Manual, Karina Andersen...
More than 100 kids in YOUTH Programme
Everyone is eacited and ready for today's holiday programme!
Food is being bought for next weeks Monday-Thursday Holiday Programme
More than 100 kids have joined us today!
- We are depending on sponsorships to give our kids food every single day during our holiday programme (outside holiday we run programme every Saturday). Most of the kids come hungry to our programme. You can help us with a donation. We can make one meal for ~100 kids for around R100/day. That is only R1 per child. We would love to serve fruit on a daily basis as well (right now we only have funding to do this Saturdays) - fruit cost us an additional R2 per child per day (2-3 fruits per child).
- The Cresch needs urgent attention as the buildings and interior are overdue for repair. Any help is highly appreciated!
- Donations towards facilitation and education of our team. Holiday season is covered. We are looking for funding for 2011 - to continue to pursue our shared vision for the Nyanga Township - and other SA Townships!
MOM with capital letters - Family matters!
Quality Family Time is priority number ONE on my TO DO list. When we are whole and strengthened as a Family each of us can give and share of ourselves in our tasks outside the Family with much greater strength and clarity.
We recently moved to Muizenberg and are truly enjoying the many treats that this comes with. Daniel has discovered his passion for surfing and the whole family went to observe his first surf lesson. What a thrill!
Having grown up in Denmark and being used to coooooold weather during christmas time it has been quite a challenge to get into the mood and feel of christmas when it is 30 degrees C and you live right off the beach : )
For my family Christmas has always been more of a tradition (not religious) - a truly wonderful one in so many ways. And also at times a bit hectic with all of the preparations. I have however discovered, as we came here to South Africa, that it was okay to have a look at 'the tradition' and allow a few changes. I hadn't really noticed before coming here that it was overdue.... I was up for a real treat!
One of the most remarkable things about 'the change' is that the festive season - our christmas - has become a time of sharing and caring. We love simplicity and there is absolutely nothing hectic about it anymore. It is calm, peaceful and filled with love and harmony. Instead of focusing on a truck load of gifts on one specific day we focus on gifting each other every single day! It is the little things that count! The blessings that have no currency. Each day is a celebration of life and unity... FAMILY!
Today Nathalie and I got our christmas boxes out, we decorated our tree, listened to christmas carols and all three of us watched our favorite christmas movie.... aaaaah I LOVED IT!!!!
Let this time be a reminder of what really truly matters... it is the time and the moments we share and care!
Touch a HEART!
Next to the NADC (Nyanga Arts Development Centre) is the Nyanga Cresch which is run by Esther. Esther is a remarkable woman who has committed herself to the community and to take care of the kids. The Cresch is in need of much care and attention, roof leaking, toilets not working that well etc. We are so excited that this door opening can help Esther and the Cresch. Our Vision at SmilingOne is to EMPOWER a whole community! Today we were given one more task to fulfill : )
And the space is PERFECT for our Holiday Programme and our Saturday Workshops!
I feel soooooo grateful ♥
Today was a beautiful reminder of Commitment, to know my Heart and its Calling... There is no compromise... I am Grateful for each opportunity given to me to practise this! I am Grateful for all the beautiful people on my path offering their puzzle piece in my learning!
In Gratitude
Reconciliation Day
Wikipedia says: "The holiday came into effect in 1994 after the end of apartheid, with the intention of fostering reconciliation and national unity." say: "Afrikaners traditionally celebrated 16 December as the Day of the Vow, remembering the day in 1838 when a group of Voortrekkers defeated a Zulu army at the Battle of Blood River, while ANC activists commemorated it as the day in 1961 when the ANC started to arm its soldiers to overthrow Apartheid. In the new South Africa's it's a day of reconciliation, a day to focus on overcoming the conflicts of the past and building a new nation."
And then I went to Wynberg Park where hundreds of people were gathering for a Concert in the Park. Families and Friends meeting up to spend this day together. Bringing blankets and picnic baskets. There was dance, joy and laughter. Such a loving atmosphere - sharing and caring!
After this Nathalie and I went to a Braai at dear friends. I felt so grateful for the moments shared and cared!
For me... each day is a day of UNITY... each day is a day of UBUNTU... there is no ME without YOU!
Prison: Vulnerability is my Strength!
They gifted me with the most beautiful letters...
A stunning painting...
AND another life-changing session. Our theme today in both Brandvlei Max and Worcester Medium: Vulnerability and how it can be turned into our greatest Strength!
used to be what I feared the most
used to be what I could not face
used to be what I called weak
I was trying to be somebody else
trying to hide behind masks
covering up the scars
of my past
What I did not know
What I did not understand
That beyond fear lies love
Beyond weakness lies strength
Beyond separateness lies wholeness
I chose to risk to be guided
by what I feared the most
Standing naked
Not knowing
I felt like
WOW.... what a Day! I feel so RICH!!! I am in AWE of the process and all of these beautiful souls who have 'taken the risk' to change and now are walking truly remarkable paths of responsible living. And yes, it does seem like risk when all you know is crime, when you are feeling hurt and alone. They are today inspiring change inside prison - simply by attending to their own healing, by walking their talk and leading by their own living example!
In Gratitude
THORP donates Mini Soccer Balls in the SmilingOne Youth Holiday Programme
I am sooooo grateful. It touches my heart deeply when we come together and serve our community!
Today I experienced HUGE EXCITEMENT in our Youth Holiday Programme in the Nyanga Township. Again THORP MOTOR GROUP has shown how deeply they care for our South African communities and our Youth - this time they donated lots n lots of Mini Soccer Balls. off to the playfield...
In Gratitude
WINDY Session with Nyanga YOUTH
I understand more than ever how important it is that we experience all sides of the youth. This allows us so many opportunities to process with them... building a healthy and caring community!
Helping each other to prepare our healthy breakfast.
We love to share our songs and music.
We CARE deeply about each other!
We love our Nature!
We enjoy the produce of our own organic food gardens!
In Gratitude
International Human Rights Day
At our last weeks event, Thabo (our Senior Community Builder in Nyanga) shared from his heart about OUR MOTHERS. This is his humble contribution to the 16 days of Activism - making all 365 days count:
Share a SMILE,
Touch a HEART!
Young Men building a brighter Future for themselves...
I am in AWE and deeply touched after a STUNNING Certificate Ceremony at the Youth Correctional Centre in Brandvlei today. The Juvenile Participants showcased a REMARKABLE understanding of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL.... both through authentic testimonies and a drama using elements of their strengthened toolboxes!
The seed was planted three years ago in Brandvlei Maximum Prison. From the first initial group of 14 inmates - 5 decided to pursue the Responsibility Coach Education. They took hundreds of clients through the process and 10 of their clients decided beginning of 2010 to become coach students as well; Franklin was one of them. After he transferred to Medium in July and got involved in the BASIC RADIO project at the Youth Correctional Centre he committed himself to take the Juveniles (all learning about Radio Broadcasting as well) through the journey of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL. September they started their first Circles of Sharing... TODAY 7 of them graduated PART 1 and the class will in January continue with PART 2 of the course.
Our initiative in the Brandvlei Youth Correctional Centre, in Brandvlei Maximum and also in the Worcester Male Prison is supported and sponsored by SHOUT (financial support for facilitation/eduation of our coach student team, and fuel cost) and THORP MOTOR GROUP (ensuring that we can drive to the prisons - they have availed a Chrevrolet SPARK)
I would also like to thank AD for sponsoring food at our event today, Pearl for the yummy cake, our SmilingOne Programme Coordinators Ridwaan and JP, Brandvlei Management and all who so lovingly support us!
I am deeply grateful for all the helping hands that makes the SmilingOne Initiative a stunning success!
Judge Deon Van Zyl, An Attitude of Gratitude, Transparency and Clarity
The meeting was truly enriching. Knocking on doors, connecting with inspiring people, exploring new ideas, gaining more knowledge and learning/listening is essential in community development (also inside prisons). When I grow and expand myself - all programmes and processes can grow and expand. The Judge himself is highly dedicated to community work, he has a BIG HEART and what I really took with me from the meeting: An Attitude of Gratitude!
The Judge opened a few more doors for me to network and invite in people to assist The SmilingOne Foundation. We can do so much MORE when we do it TOGETHER!
The rest of the day I prepared for Wednesday's Certificate Ceremony in Brandvlei Youth Centre where 7 Juvenile's are ready for Graduation of PART 1 of THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL (more details tomorrow)....
AND I made preparations for the last reports for 2010 in all prison processes. All sharing from every single participant (clients, coaches, students) is prepared in three copies... one for DCS, one for the coach/student/client and one for SmilingOne. What I have found to be one of the keys in our community development programmes is the reports we do every quarter... It ensures transparency/clarity for all involved parties and it inspires new ideas and approaches in the processes. All reports are availed on our website to be viewed.
It has been the work with DCS that has taught and inspired us in our reporting process. I am deeply grateful for the learning which I take with me in all other processes outside prison.
Happy Tuesday Everyone!
One of life's great teachings has for me been to always empty my cup (what I think I know). It is so easy to judge. BUT... does it serve me? And is that really who I want to be? Absolutely NOT!
I am always so grateful for the valuable sharing and learning in our prison sessions... today about Judgement! Each one of the participants opening their personal 'window' to how they perceive judgement... giving me an opportunity to go deeper within me. We all judge! Only in our awareness (ownership) of this can we make a conscious decision to use judgement as our 'Advisor' and move beyond it.
“It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” - Paulo Coelho
♥ Karina
A Stunning Testimony
Today I spent some time working on the photos and video footage from yesterdays event in Nyanga. I am SMILING : ) I feel so privileged to be on this journey and to work with the Youth and the Re-Integration Team in the Nyanga Township. They have become my Family!
Here is a stunning testimony from Thabo - our senior community builder and dear friend:
Happy Sunday Everyone!
W O W!
Ukuchokoza Welcoming Ceremony
SmilingOne Youth & Re-Integration did a STUNNING showcasing in Nyanga. Drama, Dance, Drumming, Singing.
Everyone Inspired To Inspire in A Space of Love, Caring n Sharing!
Traditional Food
End of January we are ready for our next showcasing - open to tourist, locals and anyone who wish to experience a community thriving on change and responsible living, a community that CARES and SHARES!
♥ Watch this Space ♥
The whole morning Meeghan and I spend in CIRCLE OF SHARING with our Nyanga Adult Group. The Circle was gently guided by Farouk Ulueme (Responsibility Coach Student and also part of our Re-Integration Programme) and the participants are from Nyanga and surrounding townships.
One of the new participants, Moses, shared how much he valued the circle and the sharing, and that this was something he previously never had the opportunity to benefit from. He had joined us to learn more about himself through THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL and also to be of service to his community.
"It starts with ME for a better WE"
Shawn's mother has joined the group recently. Here she is reading out loud what Ivan (SmilingOne Youth Community Builder) has written about VALUES - today's theme.
Farouk reminds the group of a phrase in the book: "Values are not just words; Values are what we live by!"
A stunning session which we rounded off with the last preparations for tomorrows showcasing event in Nyanga....
In Gratitude
Re-Integration Programme: Remarkable Journeys!
Thursday-Friday Chris Plum visited me in Muizenberg for a day of relaxation, deepening and preparation for his upcoming initiation process in the Eastern Cape. Chris is a dear friend, he is one of our dear SmilingOne Team Members, he is in training as a Responsibility Coach and part of our Re-Integration Programme for Ex-Offenders.
I felt so privileged by the visit and truly enjoyed the sharing. Chris has travelled such an amazing path and he lives change by every breath he takes. Not only is he a wonderful person - he is such a humble Guide, leading by his own living example.
May we all be reminded to listen to and choose with our hearts!
Happy Friday Everyone!
In Gratitude
A Remarkable Day In Prison
At 11am-1pm I was in session with the juveniles in the Brandvlei Youth Centre. Franklin (Coach Student/inmate) has since September guided 10 fellow inmates/juveniles through Part 1 of the process. Today was the pre-graduation assessment session. Next week they have the Certificate Ceremony where 8 of them will 'Graduate'. Graduating doesn't mean that you have finalized the process. On the contrary... now the process REALLY BEGINS! One thing is knowing 'The Theory' - another thing is LIVING IT! I was truly blown away by their commitment to change and the level of their sharing - very deep and authentic!
2-3pm I spend with the SmilingOne Coaches (inmates) in the Worcester Male Prison. We spoke about family and how 'distance' (being in prison) have brought them so much closer to their families and appreciating/nurturing these relationships more than ever. We also spoke about how this time of year many struggle emotionally, being reminded of what they still perceive as 'distance' to family and feeling alone - and how important it is that the coaches are available to share and care during this for many challening time - especially in the prison environment.
I feel so grateful for another fruitful day. Each day I observe such tremendous growth... CHANGE is happening right in front of me. I am in AWE! And truly humbled.
Let us be Inspired to Inspire!
"Share a SMILE - touch a HEART"
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
In Gratitude
SHOUT and The SmilingOne Foundation walks hand in hand for a SAFER South Africa
I am SO inspired!
We can do so much MORE when we do it TOGETHER!!!
Thank you SHOUT!